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How to Use Social Media to Market Healthcare Coalition Initiatives

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Healthcare Coalition marketing requires a very specific approach to get the organization’s message out to the local community while also bringing awareness to attract sponsorship and donations.

The majority of Healthcare Coalitions focus on facilitating healthcare and emergency response and assisting the local community with the response, recovery, and mitigation needs related to healthcare disaster operations. Being private organizations mean no government funding, requiring fundraising and donations to keep the organization operational.

Healthcare Coalition marketing is necessary to attract sponsorship dollars and drive fundraising efforts, as this is how these organizations can provide a stage for the medical and health community to work together and prepare for emergencies.

Using social media to market Healthcare Coalitions provides a platform to share news, initiatives, and ultimately attract attention that leads to donations. Let’s go over a few ways you can effectively use social media to help promote Healthcare Coalitions and attract the attention needed to help draw sponsorship interest.

Use Social Media as a Healthcare Coalition Forum

Your social media accounts act as a forum and sounding board for your Healthcare Coalition, and you can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to keep the local medical community connected and informed.

Your posts – through the use of thought-provoking and conversation-starting content – can act as a meeting place to promote emergency preparation within your local community. You want to focus on just a few platforms for your Healthcare Coalition social media strategy.

For example, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, while very popular with hundreds of millions of active users, aren’t channels used for discussions. It would be better to focus on Facebook and LinkedIn, which are more conversational, and add Twitter to the mix if you have the means to participate there as well.

When posting, always end with a question and encourage people to tag friends, neighbors, and other community members that they believe would be interested in the information as well as have something beneficial to add to the conversation.

If your content is simply based on delivering messages and not sparking discussions it will be a one-way street and your posts will receive little to no engagement.

Welcome Community Feedback for Grant Utilization

To best serve the community, it’s often a great idea to welcome feedback in terms of what your Healthcare Coalition plans to use specific grant funds for. Sometimes asking a simple question related to what medical and health initiatives would provide the best benefit to everyone will not only create intense conversations but also give you valuable feedback that you can then use internally as you plan how funds will be used.

Just be aware that anytime you post a question related to the allocation of grant money there will be heated discussions. There will always be people who disagree or simply want to argue for the sake of argument. That is just the nature of social media.

Anytime you open the door for these types of conversations it’s to be expected that there will be an element of conflict. When you first start an aggressive Healthcare Coalition marketing effort on social media you may have to monitor the comments and control the narrative a bit, but over time your following and those who engage with your posts will remain respectable.

Using polls are also great ways to collect feedback and trigger engagement to help spread messages. A poll that asks where grant funding should be allocated towards along with a call-to-action asking to tag three other community members can make a post go viral within your local community quickly.

Share Local, Regional, State, and Federal Emergency Planning News

There is plenty of news related to emergency planning and response on a state and federal level that goes beyond your local Healthcare Coalition. This information can be shared on social media to help educate your community and social media audience about what is currently happening in the industry outside of your area.

Coming up with new content, especially for a smaller local Healthcare Coalition can be difficult without sounding repetitive. Pooling news stories from the larger markets gives you something else to put out there while remaining on topic.

If you want a steady source of Healthcare Coalition news to share on social media join as many newsletters as possible and give their email recaps a quick scan to see if any stories stand out as potentially being of interest to your audience.

Over time you will see first-hand what your audience responds well to both in terms of topics and how they are presented. Remember, creating engagement on social media is how your message is amplified, and the more this happens, the greater the chance of it being seen by community members that will turn into donors and supporters.

Promote Community Training and Exercise Information

This will only apply to organizations that offer it, but if you do, your Healthcare Coalition social media marketing should aim to also support and promote readiness through the coordination of community-wide training and exercises.

The more educated your local community is on facilitating healthcare and emergency response, the better they will understand why your Healthcare Coalition and why it’s important to do their part by helping in one capacity or another.

Whether it’s online education or in-person training and exercises, this is the best way to create a community full of people who support the organization and go out of their way to promote its events and fundraising activities. There isn’t a better platform than social media to announce and offer the information related to these opportunities.

Collect Feedback for Solutions to Problem Areas

As your following increases on social media and your content collects more engagement, you create an environment that you can leverage to ask questions and receive feedback that will ultimately help you come up with solutions to problems you face.

Many Healthcare Coalitions face issues related to creating response plans and coming up with solutions to fix these problem areas. You can use your social media platforms to deliver surveys that take your audience off social media to complete them in great detail or you can simply ask a question on social media and welcome comments and feedback in the comments.

Take advantage of the platform to reach your local community members. They are active on social media, and pulling them to your page and content is easier when they know their opinion will be considered and is thought to be of value.

This is why Facebook Groups perform so well for businesses and organizations – most people want to feel like they are part of something, even if it’s a local-focused group that discusses all aspects of a Healthcare Coalition and its contribution to the community.

Final Thoughts

Using social media as part of your Healthcare Coalition marketing strategy can help you position your message in front of local community members, and if it’s strong enough and positioned correctly, use their reach and leverage to further spread it.

The more eyes on your social media content the more of a chance it’s seen by local business owners or executives in a position to help via sponsorships and donations. The content you post on social media needs to be informative and speak to the issues at hand, but also presented in a way that will attract the initial attention.

Doing this can help your Healthcare Coalition social media marketing gain some traction through organic sharing. If you would like to learn more about the Healthcare Coalition marketing services our agency provides, including using social media, contact us today for a complimentary consultation and strategy session.

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